
Grip Exercises.

Many effective self-defence techniques do not require a great deal of strength to perform. This seems to have given rise to a myth that strength is not important. Possibly this grew out of attempts to build confidence in the lighter built members of classes: “It doesn’t matter that he is stronger than you, you can still hurt him!” While the latter statement is true, it is wrong to think that a bit of extra strength will not improve your chances.
One of the most useful fields for improvement is of grip strength. If you want to Judo throw someone, you usually have to grab hold of them first. Catch someone’s arm as they attempt to bottle you? Whether you can control their arm long enough to turn the tables will probably depend on grip strength. Squeeze the testicles to escape from a hold. Grip strength again! And what is the point of being an awesome fighting machine if you still have to get your girlfriend to open the jam jars?
If you have read my book, this blog or the associated webpages you have probably acquired a cheap set of dumbbells or even attempted to make a set of Indian clubs. Hopefully you have been exercising with them regularly. If so, you will have already begun to see improvements in your grip strength just from manipulating these weights. The palms of your hands probably feel firmer and certain muscles on your hands may be more noticeable. Here are a couple of extra exercises you can attempt.
Clench your hands into fists as tight as you can for a second or so. Then open them explosively, spreading the fingers. Clench, pause, pow! Repeat.
Starting with your fingers straight, bend you middle knuckles so your fingertips touch the upper edge of your palm. Then bend you distal knuckles to form a fist. We can combine this with the previous exercise: Half fist, full fist, pow! Half fist, full fist, pow!
The great thing about these little exercises is you can do them anywhere at nearly anytime. Walking down the corridor at work: Half fist, full fist, pow! On the train: Half fist, full fist, pow! Standing at the bus stop: Half fist, full fist, pow! Waiting for dinner to finish cooking…
If you are cooking, try standing in Horse or Sanchin stance. Most combat stances have the knee bent so holding these positions will increase your leg strength and improve you overall speed and mobility.
Another little conditioning exercise you can attempt. In the book I had you making a knife-hand strike onto the palm of your other hand to demonstrate the force you could generate, especially if you learnt to relax your striking arm. Executing a few strikes like this against the other hand is a good conditioning exercise that not only toughens the edge of the hand, but also the palm of the hand. And since palm heel, knife-hand and hammer-fist are three of our most useful hand strikes

Why a Kukri?

A common thread on forums is “If you had to have only one XXXXX, what would you choose?”
If I had to choose only one knife, I know what it would be, but it would be the same choice should the question be one edged tool, one tool or possibly just one survival item!
My blade of choice is the kukri, and the kukri of choice would be the custom 10" bladed sirupate I have.
I will introduce you to this tool in a later blog post, when I can get some more current photos taken.

Why the kukri? This blog is mainly about self-defence, so we will deal with those aspects of the kukri first.


The kukri is fast, agile and has formidable cutting power.
The shape of the blade creates a mechanical advantage so that anything the edge encounters is drawn along the edge for an increased cutting action. When the kukri encounters something, it bites deep!
Simple, rapid wrist rotations easily move the edge in wide arcs.
The shape and weight of the kukri tends to bring the point onto the same line as the axis of the forearm, so contrary to nonsense you might read elsewhere, the kukri is a very capable thrusting weapon. The broad thick blade tends to make a big hole.
Should you need to pummel someone, the kukri is well suited to this too. The butt of the grip has a broad metal plate with a smaller diamond shaped projection, in the middle of which is a small stud. A blow with this section will put a lot of force into a very small area. It will probably make a very effective window breaker too.
Most knives are poor parrying weapons, while swords are generally regarded as capable of parrying. Logically there must be a length of blade where the knife becomes more capable of parrying. Shape and weight characteristics will also contribute to this ability too.
A 10" bladed kukri is quite capable of parrying other weapons. I think the forward curve of the blade helps here.
The back of the blade is broad and unsharpened so it is possible to use a kukri for a reinforced block or parry. Just place the palm of your free hand on the back of the blade.
Someone swings at you with a baseball bat: dodge! If you cannot dodge, make a two-handed parry with your kukri, deflect his weapon off to one side and then snap the kukri into the nearest body part.
The forward curve of the kukri also gives it a hooking ability. You can use it to pull a weapon aside or move an enemy’s arm to create an opening. Since this is done with the edge this will often cut them.
The spine of the blade is quite substantial. Should you for some reason strike an enemy with this part, it will have an effect!


One of the virtues of the kukri is that it is a versatile utility tool as well as an effective weapon. This means that you are more likely to have it with you when you need it.
My kukri of choice is around 17 oz and 15" long. Similar in weight and bulk to typical hammer. Not exactly a pocket knife, but no great burden either. If you are away from civilization, the kukri is a handy thing to have on your belt.
One of the fundamentals of survival is fire. A kukri can quickly turn any available wood into a pile of shavings, chips and fuel.
If you need shelter, a kukri can rapidly produce support poles with greater ease than many heavier and more expensive knives.
If you need bracken or brush for bedding or cover, the kukri makes a credible sickle.
When you are tired, cold, the clouds are gathering and the light is fading, a kukri can rapidly provide you with fire and shelter.
The kukri is also a rather useful skinning knife. The broad blade has plenty of “belly” and the curved shape helps keep your hand out of the gore.
If you need to cut through a joint, ribs or divide your future dinner into chops, the kukri probably has the cutting power you need.
Posts on this blog have recently dealt with tomahawks.
The kukri is a very credible alternative to a tomahawk. It has comparable cutting power but lacks a wooden shaft that might be broken.
It can be drawn and brought into action in less time and with less manipulation.
It is also more versatile since it can also stab and flense.
And that is why, if I was to have just one knife, one edged tool or just one tool, it would be a kukri.

Prince of Darkness: Part 2

There is an interesting footnote to the story of my girlfriend, the flatmates and the “Prince of Darkness”.
Just a few days after that incident, my lady looks out of the window and sees a naked old man in the garden (I told you this was a really classy area!).
The ancient guy sees her, turns and waves his arse at her, wrinkled plums swinging, I imagine.
He was seriously surprised when the little Brazilian firecracker burst out of the door, gleaming kukri in hand.
He actually went pale and probably broke a geriatric sprint record!

Vietnam Tomahawk Part 2: Applications.

Since I posted about the Vietnam Tomahawk yesterday, some comments about using one may be in order. This is going to be very brief and only touch on a few selected topics. If you really want to know about armed and unarmed combat purchase my book. Three hundred or so pages of text and over a hundred illustrations are going to cover far more information than a blog can or should. In this post I will mainly be covering aspects unique to the tomahawk.
As I have often stated in my book and this blog avoiding or neutralizing a threat should come before counter-attacking. If you can evade or avoid the assault using the techniques in my book or other skills you have acquired, do so. You may still have to block or parry his initial attacks. Virtually all parts of the tomahawk can be used to block or parry. The edge, the backspike, side of the head and shaft can all be used to defend. If you hit an incoming attack with the edge or backspike that may be the end of the fight. Most blocks and parries will be executed with the shaft, however. The axe bit and backspike form an angle with the shaft and this characteristic can work for you or against you. On the positive side, the head can be used to hook or control a foe. On the downside, if you catch a blow below the head it can knock the weapon right out of your hands. Wherever possible attempt to parry and block with the sides of the head or shaft. This also applies to the use of similar=shaped weapons such as hammers, kama and many entrenching tools.
The short length of the shaft and the backspike prevent the use of certain offensive techniques. You have to be aware of what part of you is behind the weapon as well as what is in front. Yes, I am a little wary of a weapon that nearly killed me the first time I used it! You can use the double-headed nature of the weapon to advantage, however. If you miss a target, step forward and bring the weapon back. What the edge misses going one way the spike may hit on the way back.
Primary offensive method with a tomahawk is to swing it. Try to do this without pulling the weapon back first or making any other telegraphic moves. A technique worth practicing is the thrust, something that many people will not think of when using a tomahawk. It may lack sharp edges but the top of a tomahawk head is still a hard, substantial lump of metal. Drive it into the eyes, nose, teeth, chin or throat and use the opportunity created for a follow up attack. The butt of the shaft is also a useful weapon. If you cannot bring the head into play use the butt to employ your kongo techniques.

The tomahawk can also be used two-handed. Grip the butt end of the shaft with one hand and below the head with the other. The section of shaft between your hands can be used to defend, and is a much stronger defence than if the weapon is held single handed. This is the “Bumper Guard” I describe in my book. This section of shaft can also be used offensively. Drive it into his throat, up under his chin or into his nose or eyes. Either end can be used to strike with this hold. The axe edge can still be pressed into a target or used to slice, while the backspike can stab or rip.
When LaGana was first marketing the Vietnam Tomahawk he often demonstrated it as a missile. Funny thing: If you suggest throwing a knife someone almost by reflex will bleat something about “throwing your weapon away”. Suggest throwing a tomahawk or entrenching tool and the usual response is “Cool!” Imagine you are in a certain hot dusty country. You are investigating a deserted building for intelligence materials. While your buddy gets distracted by the contents of a desk you decide to break open a nearby cupboard, so approach it, tomahawk in hand. Suddenly the cupboard door swings open to reveal it is the entrance to a concealed room. A sleepy terrorist with an AKM is stepping out and is as surprised to see you as you are to see him. As his hand goes for the safety lever on the right side of the rifle you throw your tomahawk right at his head, buying yourself enough time to draw your pistol and fire first. Sometimes throwing your weapon is a good move if it lets you bring a better weapon into action.
I’ve heard that the Russians have conducted experiments. Shoot at someone with a rifle and they will fire back. Throw an entrenching tool at them and it is claimed they will drop their rifle trying to avoid it. Then you can shoot them with your rifle. Not sure how reliable and how often this will be true, but it is interesting.

Beware the Prince of Darkness!

The background to this story is that due to various stupid visa requirements, my girlfriend had to live at a different address for some time.
She ended up living in a not particularly nice part of town where break-ins and generally anti-social dirtbags were common.
One night, in the very early hours of the morning, she is awoken by a hammering on the front door.
The lady likes her sleep, and given the area she tries to ignore it.
After about 20 minutes, it becomes obvious that no one else in the house is inclined to do anything and the caller is not going to go away.
She gets up and answers the door.
Outside are three drunk and now very pissed-off Italian flatmates. Everything goes very quiet. (Remember these are drunk, angry Italians!)
After a long pause, one lad asks “What kind of a knife is that?”
“It is my kukri!” she answers matter of factly. “The Prince of Darkness.”
She really has named the kukri I gave her for Christmas “The Prince of Darkness”.
As she explains it: “ I move my hand –fttt! there is only darkness!”
If she is going to answer the door at 2am in the morning in one of the worst areas of town, she is going to take precautions.
Word has got around the house not to disturb the Brazilian lady!


Vietnam Tomahawk

I was interested to see that the Vietnam Tomahawk is seeing wider issue.
The original Vietnam Tomahawk was created by Peter LaGana and saw some use in the Vietnam war.
According to some sources its use was officially discouraged for political reasons, a decision made by individuals who regarded carpet bombing, napalm, flamethrowers and Agent Orange as acceptable.
Troops that needed to fight at close range had to use machetes, entrenching tools and hand axes rather than the LaGana’s tomahawk. No, doesn’t make any sense to me either!

Decades pass, and about ten years ago I heard the US Army engineers had approved the LaGana as an “Obstacle Removal Tool”, a term that rather amused me.
It seems the idea has caught on with issue now being more widespread. The current version is called the VTAC (Vietnam Tactical) and the main difference appears to be a synthetic handle with some moulded cross-hatching to improve grip.
From reports these are mainly being used for general utility tasks such as breaking down doors and part of me wonders if a mass-produced standard hatchet with a lower price tag might have served as well?

A good ten years or more ago I brought myself a replica of a Vietnam Tomahawk. I don’t recall what company I brought it from but I am fairly certain it was not Cold Steel.
As soon as I had unpacked it, I decided to try it out with some figure-eight combat moves. No sooner had I started when there was a clunk.
The clunk was the backspike of the tomahawk hitting me in the temple. Luckily only the side of the spike had hit me otherwise I would not be writing this now. A slight variation in angle and I would probably have killed myself in a very embarrassing manner.
My feelings about the LaGana are therefore rather mixed.
While it has great potential, I am obviously wary about a weapon that can so easily injure its user when making what is a fairly fundamental combat move.
I would be much happier if the LaGana was offered with the option of a longer handle than the 13" one it has.
The handle itself could do with some redesign. It is oval in cross-section, which is very good. While there is some contouring, it is very shallow and less than one would see on a typical hardware store hammer.
A tomahawk is a head-heavy weapon so swinging it tends to naturally pull it from your grasp. There seems to be a reasonable chance you could lose grip on such a straight-sided and smooth handle, particularly once your hands got sweaty or blood got on them.
The synthetic-handled VTAC has some mouldings intended to improve grip but still looks rather straight-sided. An increase in diameter at the butt would be a welcome feature.
One good addition on the newer models is the provision of a hole for a retention loop.
The VTAC has a 14" handle that appears to be secured with a hex-bolt, so perhaps there is a possibility of replacement alternate handles?
If you use a LaGana or VTAC, wrapping the handle for increased grip will probably be a prudent move.

While in the process of making your tomahawk combat ready, you might consider painting it.
Original Vietnam Tomahawks were green, which was fine for South East Asian jungles. Other examples and the VTAC appear to be black or dark green, and these really stand out against a desert camouflage combat dress.
Spraying it flat-earth or coyote-brown will improve its camouflage abilities in most environments, not just the desert.
The most distinctive part of the Vietnam Tomahawk and VTAC is its head. The most obvious part of the head is the backspike that so nearly caused my accidental demise.
Most hatchets, hand axes and tomahawks have a face intended for hammering. The LaGana has a spike that was probably intended to penetrate skulls or steel helmets but is often used these days to ventilate fuel drums.
The axe bit is also unconventional in that it is also sharpened for part of its lower edge. On my example, the thickness of the blade gives this quite a broad bevel so this is not particularly sharp and I suspect is unlikely to ever be that sharp.
This feature might give the tomahawk some added capability if used to clear undergrowth and will improve the penetration of the lower point of the edge. Should the main edge slightly miss the intended target, which is always possible in combat, this lower edge should increase the likelihood of still causing damage.
The Vietnam tomahawk is a good tool, but could easily be better.
The handle needs to be redesigned for better grip and retention and needs to be longer so the head is less likely to injure the user in the heat of combat.
As some of you may know, my benchmark in close combat weapons is the kukri. The kukri can handle many of the cutting tasks a tomahawk can. It is easier to bring into action if it starts sheathed. It is more likely to stay in my hand when swung and not likely to injure me.
To close, a video of Paul LaGana demonstrating his creation. Note how long it takes to draw and ready from his belt.

Swords at Home

Another interesting passage from Marc MacYoung:
There are going be a number of people who will think I'm nuttier than hell for saying what I'm about to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Women, I think your best home defense weapon is a sword. There are a variety of reasons why I say this. The first and foremost is safety, nor only for you but others. Whether have roommates, boyfriends/ husbands, or children. it all boils down 10 one thing; it's harder to accidentally kill someone with a sword than it is with a gun.
Now back to the sword as a home defense weapon for women. Aside from the fact that accidentally hurting someone seriously with a sword is damn near impossible, the other advantage is that it's always ready for use. If you leave it lying under or behind your bed, it is always handy in case someone tries to break in. You don't have to fumble after bullets, etc. Once you have that blade in your hand, you are ready.
The next nice thing about a sword is, unlike a baseball bat, it's a bad idea for an attacker to rush it. A three and a half foot long straight razor is not something that you charge. Also, unlike a bat, it's not the brightest move someone can make to try and grab it away from you—unless they're really keen on the idea of getting busted down to raccoon status. You know: all the mischief, and no opposable thumbs to do it with. You can also lunge extremely effectively with a sword, Baseball bats don't get the point across as well. I don't care if he's got a leather jacket on, a lunge will go through it. All of this adds up and keeps any intruder at a serious distance from you.
In case you're going, "But what if he has a gun?" there are two points that I'd like to bring up. One, if he has the gun out already: ever tried to order your finger to pull a trigger when your hand is laying on the floor two feet away? Anywhere you strike with a sword will do enough damage that it's going to distract the son of a bitch a little Two, if he has it in a holster or pocket. you know that you're never to let his hands out of sight. If he goes for it and you're within ten feet of him, he's worm food.
The final thing that I like about swords as home defense weapons is a matter of severity. One of the reasons that women don't like guns very much is that once you pull the trigger, you have no control over what happens. You can't control whether you're going to wound or kill an intruder, Wounding someone with a gun at point-blank range is a little hard to do. That bullet is traveling at some hellacious speed and the impact is rather fierce. If you're not quite ready to accept killing someone in the defense of self and home, you can just maim 'em with a sword. A foot and a half of steel through the gut will take the fight out of damn near anybody. Lop off his hand when he's reaching out to grab you—that'll teach him to keep his hands to himself. Laying some guy's thigh open with a ten-inch gash will make sure he hangs around until the police come. "Were you in fear of your life?" "He got close enough for me to nail him with a sword. He was obviously attacking, officer."
For obvious reasons this reminded me of the passage in Robert Heinlein’s “Glory Road”, chapter 15:
“A properly balanced sword is the most versatile weapon for close quarters ever devised. Pistols and guns are all offense, no defense; close on him fast and a man with a gun can’t shoot, he has to stop you before you reach him. Close on a man carrying a blade and you’ll be spitted like a roast pigeon—unless you have a blade and can use it better than he can.
A sword never jams, never has to be reloaded, is always ready. Its worst shortcoming is that it takes great skill and patient, loving practice to gain that skill; it can’t be taught to raw recruits in weeks, nor even months.
But most of all (and this was the real reason) to grasp the Lady Vivamus and feel her eagerness to bite gave me courage in a spot where I was scared spitless.”
Marc expands further on his rationale for this idea, and I will refer you to the book “Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And Other Lessons”, which is well worth reading for numerous other reasons.

Wants and Needs

I am currently reading Marc MacYoung’s excellent “Cheap Shots, Ambushes and Other Lessons”. Like all of his books I have read so far, it is entertaining but also full of valuable information. I strongly recommend buying a copy. Marc is a great guy and was kind enough to help me with my own book on self-defence.
The following passage particularly struck me:
I once knew a woman who felt destroyed when her sensei had told the class that they should expect to be defeated now and then. She claimed that it totally undermined her attempt to build self-confidence in her ability to defend herself. I called her reaction a cop-out. There are no guarantees in this world that something will work. There is, however, a bit of knowledge: the person who is looking for a guarantee will lose ninety-nine out of a hundred times to the person who is using their wits and always looking for a slight edge.
Even if we allow for the fact that this lady is probably from L.A, a rather large dose of “get over yourself” is probably in order. Personally I think a sensi that has the honesty and humility to admit this truth to his class sounds like one to be valued. Actually this lady seems to be displaying an attitude that I have been noticing a lot in the past few years. Too many people seem unable to distinguish between wants and needs.
I was supposed to clear a room the other week only to find it was still being used, so I arranged the deadline to be shifted a week. The next week I had the following conversation with a student:
“You know you guys have got to be finished and tidied up by Friday?”
“But some of us still haven’t finished.”
“That doesn’t matter. You have already had extra time and the room is needed. The world will not rearrange itself just because you are not ready.”
So often do I hear “But I want/ need…” used as a justification for doing something, often something stupid or selfish.
A girl nearly walked into me the other day. I saw her coming but was curious to see what would happen. She was busy looking at her phone while walking (a very foolish practice). What makes this memorable was her reaction of surprise and bafflement that she could walk into someone while she was ”busy”.
Learning to distinguish between what you want and what the universe is going to give you is an important step in life. Some people never seem to manage it, and being able to recognize this is also important.
A mugger will not decide not to attack you because you are late for an appointment. The rapist will not hold off grabbing you because you are busy putting junior in the childseat. That you have a text to read will not stop cars hitting you as you cross the road. That you want to use your phone does not allow you to drive without paying full attention.
Many of you will reject this truth simply because you “do not like it”.

The Sun

There is an advert running currently for the Sun newspaper listing all the allegedly good things the Sun does. The first line is “From supporting our troops…”
This is the same newsgroup that considered it acceptable to hack the phones of bereaved families of British Soldiers killed in action.
As the ever entertaining ARmy Rumour Service terms it:
A newspaper in only the loosest possible way… think total slapper, takes-it-in-every orifice, : spit-roasting loose. The Sun caters to those who vocabulary is in the 400 word range. Also known colloquially as the 'Currant Bun', 'The Scum', 'The Snu' or 'The Stun'. The Sun is read by people who don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits.
Rubber Dick
The sun is a foreignowned tabloid that styles itself as the forces' newspaper, while gleefully taking each and every opportunity to slip us the Rubber Dick, usually in relation to affairs between married soldiers. They are, of course, quite entitled to take a lofty moral stand, as it would be quite unthinkable for such shenanigans to occur within a newspaper office.
While maintaining an outwardly patriotic and even nationalist editorial line, it aspires to influence political discourse in this country to benefit the bottom line of a foreign media conglomerate. In a nutshell it's read by mongs, chavs and tossers in white vans – the self-same, face-painted, stout yeomen of Merrie Ingerlund that can be seen wrecking bars and restaurants on the continent in the name of 'patriotism'.
Seriously, if you are buying still the Sun, please think twice about what you are condoning. Save your money and read a book instead.
A Sun reader, according to the Sun itself. Tiny brain, hands bigger than their cock and knuckles that can drag on the ground. Source: The Sun.

Complete Book of Knife Fighting ?

In a previous post (Aug 18th) I mentioned William Cassidy’s book "The Complete Book of Knife Fighting" in connection with the rather improbable “feint low and he will go low” sequence. In fairness I thought I should deal with this book in greater depth, given that it is rather well known and claims to be a complete and definitive guide to knife fighting.
One of the good points about this book is that establishes a historical context for modern knife fighting. Cassidy attributes this to four individuals: WE Fairbairn, Rex Applegate, ADJ Biddle and John Styers. He does mention that Fairbairn’s best known works have very little knife-fighting. In fact they contain information on knife use but no knife against knife-fighting. Fairbairn was an obvious influence on Applegate, while Styers was a student of Biddle. Biddle himself was influenced by Renaissance sword fighting. Cassidy supports the idea that modern knife fighting evolves from sword techniques but most of the historical images of knife and dagger fighting he shows are obviously very different from sword techniques.
Cassidy tries to make a point that “the four great instructors of modern knife use” had no Eastern influence but concedes that as a senior member of the Shanghai police Fairbairn might have encountered some Oriental techniques. He then claims that “as a good colonialist” Fairbairn probably ignored them. This is a highly stupid and derogatory remark that seems to have been made purely to justify Cassidy’s erroneous hypothesis. As a student of Jujitsu and one of the few Westerners at that time to be trained in a Chinese martial art I think it is fair to conclude Fairbairn was open to Eastern ideas. In fact the British Empire as a whole was often open to good ideas of a foreign origin, which is why Brits drink tea and love curry.
Next is a section on various knife designs, which is interesting if your interests are of a technical bent, as mine are. In the blurb on the back of the book it is claimed Cassidy has been trained by the “Gurkha Sect”. I am sure it will be news to the Gurkhas that they are a sect. If this is true it is even more surprising that Cassidy makes the following statement:
“In the hands of the Gurkha, the kukri is used much in the manner of an intrenching tool, and also as a decapitating weapon…..Although a formidable weapon in Asia, particularly in Nepal, the kukri is not well suited to modern knife fighting.”
Page 58, The Complete Book of Knife Fighting. William L. Cassidy.
Kukris are still formidable weapons if you are not standing in Asia, actually. It is hard to see how having a weapon that can remove body-parts with ease rather than poking neat holes in someone can be seen as a disadvantage.
So what are the “modern knife fighting” techniques for which a kukri would be inferior?
I recently came across a quotation cautioning about the folly of taking refuge in absolutes, and this comes to mind when reading Cassidy’s book. Cassidy has a writing style common to many writers in gun magazines and similar publications. There is a lot of hard-held opinion, self-promotion and name dropping. Cassidy often makes claims that the grip or stance he recommends is the only correct way to do things. Cassidy bases his techniques on Biddle and Styers with deference to Applegate. Personally I always got the impression that many of Applegate’s criticisms of knife techniques were aimed at Biddle.
One of the more interesting parts of this section is the models in the photos are the famous custom knife-makers Bob Loveless and Ray Randal. It is interesting to see these two gentlemen together but the techniques we see them using are not as convincing as Cassidy’s claims for their veracity. One gets the impression of a skilful game of tag using knives. This section is an interesting mixture. The low feint section already mentioned definitely counts as unlikely and impractical. The Passata Sotto, Stocatta and In-quartata techniques are more practical if it is recognized they are counter-moves. Cassidy advises not to worry about aiming thrusts at particular targets since in the heat of action this may not be practical or likely. Another section talks about channelling rage or fear, which sounds good but is probably not practical.
The book also includes some sections on unarmed and improvised weapon defence against knives but this is mixed in quality. The notorious crossed arm block is shown and recommended while the caption of the actual photo admits the technique being shown is executed late and may be ineffective. The stick techniques are more practical. Donn F Draeger’s “Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts” is recommended as a text for learning more about unarmed Eastern fighting techniques and mental discipline and control. It is a wonderful book I have spent many hours reading but have to say it is mainly a history book and you will not learn many actual practical techniques from that book.
I don’t regret buying this book. Many parts are interesting. Some are thought provoking, sometimes for the wrong reasons, however. It has its flaws. Whether you can claim to be a “foremost edged weapon expert” when you evidently know very little about kukris is debatable. Will the book make you “proficient in the science of knife-fighting” –probably not! While it has its good parts, other sections are flawed and will get you hurt.